Friday, October 16, 2009


For richer or poorer, through sickness and in health.......
Me and Brad just celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary! Can you believe that 3 years have gone by? It seems like just yesterday, but at the same time, so much has happened in 3 short years. We have been doublely blessed with our baby girls Valerie and Natalie. Our lives have certainly changed in a few short years.

We celebrated our anniversary at Foxwoods! It was so awesome. We went to play bingo which we use to do all the time. For the first time...I won $350!!!!!!! Just enough to buy a brand new TV since ours quit working about a month ago! We stayed at the new MGM hotel, which was beautiful!!!!! We were up high on the 25th floor. It was soooo beautiful. You look out the window and all you see is colored trees. Valerie and Leelee enjoyed staying with Nana and Pop. They were very good. I was a little nervous about how Natalie was going to react, because she's very little, but she was better than anyone expected. Here is the view from our room

1 comment:

  1. beautiful view!!!! the time does fly by, every year goes faster and faster. before you know it, it will be 25 years... enjoy your little ladies while they are still little. loved having them with us.

    mom v
